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The Coruscant Guard was a division of elite clone shock troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic, organized to serve as a military police force and protect the Galactic Republic capital planet of Coruscant. The Coruscant Guard served under the leadership of Clone Commander CC-1010 "Fox," a clone trooper known for his fierce loyalty to the Republic as well as his command style of leading from the front. During the Clone Wars, Commander Fox became one of the most decorated soldiers in the Republic Military.

The Coruscant Guard performed various duties in their service to the Republic, such as patrolling the galactic capital as riot control troopers to assist the Coruscant Security Force, conducting hostage rescue operations, and serving as guards at the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center. They gradually supplanted the Senate Guard by accompanying Jedi, senators and other diplomats on offworld assignments. As the galaxy-wide conflict with the Separatist Alliance progressed, the Coruscant Guard served as bodyguards for Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, a status they shared with the Chancellor's Red Guard.


65th Coruscant Guard

The 65th Coruscant Guard is an elite group of clone shock troopers tasked with guarding the chancellor and any ambassador of the Republic

Clone Commander Thorn

Commander Thorn was the second known Commander of the Coruscant guard. His weapon of choice was the Z-6 Roatery Blaster. His roatery blaster was nicknamed "Hammer". He died shouting "FOR THE REPUBLIC" while mowing down Comando droids and Super Battle droids


Sergent Hound

Stg. Hound is an Advanced Recon Force Scout Trooper sergeant who served in the Coruscant Guard. He has is own massiff, Grizzer. He wore ARF trooper armor with red markings that symbolizes the Coruscant Guard.

Clone Commander Thire

Commander Thire was the thrid known Commander of the Coruscant guard. During the early phase of the Clone Wars, Thire was a Clone Lieutenant in the diplomatic service branch of the Coruscant Guard. In 22 BBY, he accompanied Jedi General Yoda during a mission to Rugosa, where the general sought to form an alliance between King Katuunko and the Republic. Thire had achieved the military rank of commander by the time of Order 66 when the clone troopers turned against the Jedi Order. Yoda attempted to overthrow the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, who declared himself Galactic Emperor, and was subsequently hunted by Thire's shock troopers.
